Thursday, October 16, 2008
Youth of the Nation

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Innovator: Real People Doing Big Things


- Voters, at least those undecided, have ceased to believe John McCain. When he made claims that keeping the tax plan of George Bush is best because it keeps small businesses running, therefore creating jobs, people didn't believe him. When he proposed that his healthcare plan is best because it would allow voters the opportunity to choose their own doctors and receive a $5,000 tax credit, people didn't believe him. What I felt was detrimental to him, is when he tried to paint Barack as being too naive to handle foreign threats, people didn't believe him. Now this is apparently his area of expertise, and his one obvious strength against Barack, so when you remove that, and people start to believe that Barack has a better foreign policy stance, John McCain, you have made yourself extremely vulnerable.
- Women voters trust Barack Obama. In terms of economic planning, health care and foreign policies, the women had Barack dialed up to the furthest rating possible. There was no sense that he was being dishonest, misleading, or misinformed.
- Contrary to what was initially believed, men did not respond well to John McCain's tough talk. Calling Barack "that one" and defending his "Bomb bomb bomb Iran" comment as a joke amongst friends lead to his ratings dipping the lowest of any candidate, at any point, the entire night.
Now that we are in the last leg of this Race to the White House, I am very interested to see if John McCain can, at the very least, salvage the rest of his political career, because it is obvious that he has become disenchanted with what the average American wants. If he cannot improve his performance at the upcoming final debate, it appears that his career will suffer a similar fate as that of his performance last night: flatlining.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Check This Out
Changeling from Clint Eastwood
This is a trailer for the new Clint Eastwood film starring Angelina Jolie. It is about a single mother whose son is abducted, and returned to her months later. Once the dust has settled from the frenzy of the the photo-op reunion, the woman realizes that the child returned to her is not her's, and that she must challenge the system in order find her missing child. Essentially, this film is about corruption within the LAPD in 1928, long before the infamous Rodney King incident in 1991. Are we noticing a trend here, perhaps?
Check This Out

Hip Hop Republican (hiphoprepublican.com) is an online blog operated and maintained by young, educated, conservative African Americans. Now while I fundamentally disagree with virtually every opinion or perspective that is shared on their blog, I greatly respect their decision to break away from the mold and share their opinions while facing scrutiny and ridicule in their own community. I also like that they break the stereotype that in the Black community, we are all one monolithic group that has one opinion that we all fall in line with. Again, to reiterate, I do not share the views that are shared on their blog, but much respect over to the crew at Hip Hop Republican.
Innovator: Real People Doing Big Things

The Methodology of Mediocrity

The incoming President and Vice President are going to inherit an economy that is in a recession, a military that is over-stretched in two wars, an energy resource that is slowly depleting, and a public that is in dire need of answers. Can we trust that to a woman that cannot simply tell a journalist what media sources she gets her daily information from? Can we trust that to a woman that is running to be Second in Command of this country, but cannot tell us what the Bush Doctrine is? Can we trust that to a woman that feels that Dick Cheney's ONLY mistake in office was accidentally shooting a colleague in the face during a hunting trip? The answer is: absolutely not. Furthermore, can we trust that a man who chooses a woman of such apparent mediocrity has the cognitive ability to get us out of the current state that our nation is in? I think we all know the answer to that.
I, for one, really want to know the methodology behind selecting someone of such a mediocre background as your running mate. If John McCain just wanted a female on the ticket, he could've chosen 2nd term Governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, or North Carolina Senator Elizabeth Dole, who has been serving in office for about 25 years and graduated from Duke University along with receiving a J.D. from Harvard Law School, or senior Texas Senator, Kay Bailey Hutchison who graduated from UT-Austin and then received a J.D. from the UT School of Law. All women with experience, which used to be John McCain's platform, and all women that have spent time pursuing higher learning in the pursuit of ascertaining the fundamental knowledge that those that serve in office should possess. Instead, he chose the governor of a state with a smaller population than the city of Chicago, a budget lower than the city of Los Angeles, and went to 4 different colleges and universities to receive her BS in Communications-Journalism. COMMUNICATIONS-JOURNALISM, and she can't disclose which media publications she reads to stay informed on a daily basis? I'm sorry, she did disclose it, and it is infinite, being that she reads, "any of them...all of them."
I realize that I sound bitter, and some may view me as being sexist, but I am just frustrated. Frustrated that in defense of such a mediocre candidate, Barack Obama has been painted as an "elitist" because he is highly educated, articulate, and well informed from a global perspective. Frustrated that the few conservatives that I respect, such as Michael Steele, Linda Lingle, and even John McCain, have allowed themselves to sound absolutely idiotic defending Sarah Palin. Michael Steele, in an appearance on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, defended Palin's qualifications of being a hockey mom while condemning Obama's qualifications of being a community organizer. Linda Lingle, when asked why Palin had consistently fumbled in interviews, responded that perhaps she is "nervous", like being able to articulate themselves in nervous situations is a trait that the public DOESN'T expect in our leaders. And John McCain...well let's not even get into that one. I honestly wish Sarah Palin the best in her political endeavors…in Alaska. As for that Second in Command position, I think we should leave that to the Elite as opposed to the Mediocre.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Innovator: Real People Doing Big Things

Will Smith is an African-American actor that is a Grammy Award winning rapper, Oscar nominee, and Superstar. He's broken down doors by taking roles that were initially written for White actors, and making them global blockbusters, holding the record for starring in the most consecutive $100 million-grossing movies. He has dedicated time and money to helping suffering children and families in South Africa, along with empowering youth programs in the United States.
Penetration of the Mind
In an age where individualism is now becoming more acceptable, we are on the verge of dawning on a brand new day. Like so many others, I live in awe of the concept that a Black man can become the leader of the free world, a woman that has recently wedded another woman is dominating daytime television, and children are being raised with the belief that regardless of your skin tone, sexual preference or financial circumstance, you can become whatever it is your dreams lead you to be.
I say this all in that my only hopes for this blog is that I can inspire someone, anyone, to be more than they are at this very moment. Or that I can make someone see a perspective outside of their own. Or that I can get someone to stand up and speak out when others around them have discouraged them from doing so. And of course, I want to get on my soapbox and preach to the world! I also want to have fun as well, so please don't get thrown off by the sudden shifts that this blog can take, because I assure you there will be many.